Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Blog Post #2

Assignments for Week 4

For Thursday, November 21 : Read p. 29; do Exs. D, E & G, p. 30. Read p. 31.

For Tuesday, November 26: Blog Post #2

Listen to the above video: "Sheryl Sandberg: Why we have too few women leaders." Answer 3 out of the 4 questions that follow on our class blog:

1. Are the statistics that Ms. Sandberg mentions re women leaders worldwide also true for your country? If not, how does your country differ?

2. Explain Ms. Sandberg's 3 main points. What does she mean by: 1. "Sit at the table"   2 "Make your partner a real partner ."  3. "Don't leave before you leave."

3. At the end of her talk, she says " I think a world where half of our countries and half of our companies were run by women, would be a better world." Do you agree with this statement? Why or wny not?

4. A recent comment on this speech says " This speech is merely stereotypical baloney." What do you think the author of this statement means? Do you agree or disagree? Why?


  1. 1- Yes, it's true in my country. But it has started to changed. A good example of that is our president, she is the first woman being president in Brazilian's history.
    2- What she wants to say to others women with "sit at the table" is that nobody get a promotion on the job sitting on the side or thinking that her not deserves. In other words, women should take all the opportunities and should be more active. "Make a partner a real partner" means that women and men should divide their home tasks, if the both have to full time work. "Don't leave before you leave" means that women shouldn't have to think about maternity before needed. Because thinking on this, women would stop to look for opportunities and to be more active. They don't have to be anxious about future pregnancy.
    3- I don't agree. For me doesn't have a right number of women and man that should manage a company or a country, it is not about gender, it is about capacity.

    1. HI, Gabriel. Thank you for being the first to reply, and for replying so thoughtfully. Yes, I thought that #3 might be a controversial statement!


    1) Yes, in Brazil is the same thing, even with a woman as the president.
    Most of time, we can't see women directing companies and industries.

    3) Not very much. To the world be a better place, does not depend on gender but the person.

    4) The comment mean that Sheryl is generalizing and is doing a very feminist speech. I agree, but not strongly, because she does not seem to be considering that mistakes happen not because the gender but because of the person.

    1. Andre, I agree that both statements #3 and 4 tend toward the stereotypical and therefore are controversial. Your comments are quite reasonable. Thank you!

  3. I think China has same situation.
    2. sit at the table meaning is women should fight for the position and salary them can get.
    make you partner a real partner: meke effective conversation with partner, and husband and wife should share responsibilty about childrent and home woke.
    Don't leave before you leave: don't to think about something that doesn't happen, just care about right now.
    3. I agree with her, because men and women's think is different, so when men and women woke together, they can help each other, improve theirselve.
    4. I disagree with that statement. Because I think this vedio gave some advices to help women to be success.

    1. Lincoln, thank you for your answers. i agree with #2 and 4, but I am not sure I understand your position on #3. Anyway, thanks for answering all 4 questions.

  4. 1. Yes, it's the same thing, and I think it more less in my country.

    2."Sit at the table" she means that no one gets the promotion if they think they don’t deserve their success. Women need to be more self-confident in order to be noticed professionally.

    "Make your partner a real partner" means, there should be equal responsibility between the husband and the wife in the home if they both have a full time job.

    Don't leave before you leave" means, don’t make decision before its time. When a woman thinks about having a child, she starts to back out and she doesn't look for a promotion anymore.

    3. I don't completely agree with her, Because I don't think it depends on the gender to be in a better world. I think it depends on if the person is able to do a better job, man or a woman.

  5. 1 - Yes, these numbers are true even in Brazil. There is still a kind of prejudice with women leaders, but it is changing and the tendency is that women, more and more, reach the top.
    3 - I disagree. I think the women are as able as men to head a company or a country and because of this, there are no differences between the capacity between genders. Therefore, I think the world would not be better only if more women become leaders.
    4 - There is an stereotypical that women are the weaker gender. Probably the author said this sentence trying to show that the speech was based on this stereotype. However, I disagree, the speech talk about the differences between men and women on the way of thinking and acting and on the way that the society deals with them, and that a woman needs to be more confident with herself.

    1. Larrie, I agree with you on #4. The author of this statement seems to reject everything that Ms. Sandberg says by calling her views "stereotypical garbage." You correctly, I think, point out that her ideas are more nuanced. Thanks for your comments.

  6. 1- Well at this time women are trying to do what Ms. Sandberg was saying, but they still didn't reach that level. Neither I think they will, because of the ideology we have in my country.
    2- "Sit at the table" means they have to take all the opportunities they will have and not leave them. 2 "Make your partner a real partner ." She means you have to share all the responsibilities with your husband 3. "Don't leave before you leave." woman don't have to think about motherhood before its time. She has to give everything its time.
    3- I disagree with her because a successful couple should be depended on each other, especially when they start having children.
    4- The writer means that Ms. Sandberg wasn't objective and I agree with him, because the whole speech was based on her experience as a successful woman, and we don't know if she will be a successful mother. At some point, she was so unclear when she said we have to give our daughters the confidence that we don't have! and the proverb says" the one who doesn't have a thing can't give it".

    1. Abstar, I disagree with you re #3. I don't think it's about couples. There are other reasons to disagree with her about women being better equipped to change the world. re #4: I agree that Ms. Sandberg is not objective, but I don't think it's about how she will be as a mother. But I do like your proverb!

  7. 1. In Brazil, although women are improving their participation in manage a company or the country, such as the president Dilma Roussef, they continue to be a minority in the leadership.

    2.a. Believe in yourself and in your capacity. And for that is necessary to make some sacrifices and reach for opportunities.
    b. It is hard for both genders be part of workforce and take care of house. Thus, the couple need share their responsibilities equally.
    c. Stay in your position until you realize that you really need make your decisions. Do not make your decisions to far in advance, for example, when you think about have a child.

    3. I agree with her because I think that men and women have different perspective of a problem, and different ways to find a solution. Thus, in a company or a country the presence of both genders equally may help to take important decisions.

  8. 1- What Ms. Sandberg wants to mean with "sit at the table" is that women have to try to do the best on their job and to be more self-confident. With "make your partner a real partner" she means that women should share the responsibilities in home with their partner in order to don't overcharge any of them. When Sheryl says "don't leave before you leave" she wants to mean that women don't have to worry prematurely about pregnancy because this way they will stop to care about their career.
    2- I disagree with this. The world would be a better place if competent and honest people run countries and companies, independent on their gender.
    3- Of course it is a stereotype speech, but I disagree that it is a baloney. Even if I disagree with somethings she said, I think that what she is trying to do is to break this antique stereotype which forces society to believe that women are inferior than man, by giving her personal experience.

  9. 1 - Yes, in Brazil the reality is the same, most companies are leading by men. But this scenario has been changing as an example we have Dilma Rousseff, who is the first woman to be president of our country, and also Maria das Graças Foster who has assumed the presidency of one of the most important company in Brazil, Petrobras.

    2. "Sit at the table" - Women need to be confident and know the quality of their work.
    "Make your partner a real partner" - Share the responsibilities at home equally with the partner.
    "Don't leave before you leave" - Don't worry about things that did not happen yet. Focus on one thing at the time.

    3 - I think it is important to know the causes why there are just a few women leading companies today, but I believe that both men and women are able to handle a company.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. 1 - Yes, it is the same in Brazil. However, the things are changing with the past of the years. We already have a woman as a President and also token women in our society who make the difference and try to change this scenario. For instance, we have singers and public figures that constantly appear in discussions about the women's role in the labor market.
    2 - "Sit at the table" means that the women need to prove to themselves that they can. They can reach their promotions and they can be as good professionals as mens; they only need to believe, to go after it and to stop wasting time thinking to much. When she says "Make your partner a real partner" the real message is, share the home jobs, you work as much as your partner or even more. You do not need to do everything by yourself. The she finish saying "Don't leave before you leave" which means that she women decide to have a child they stop to be active on the work force and start to think in all the details and what they need to do to fit a child in their routines.
    3 - I agree in part with this. Although I also agree with Luiz above, would be interesting to see a world where the women are more present. In fact, researches have found that women are more capable doing multiple tasks than men. Women are more meticulous in business, attentive to details and look closer to her employees.

  12. 1. Yes, the numbers are similar in Brazil. Women are working harder to achieve better positions in a company, but they are still minority, although these numbers are changing. For instance, we have a woman as President, Dilma Rousseff; we also have Maria das Gracas Foster, who runs the National Petroleum Company, Petrobras.
    2. The first expression means that women must be proactive and ask questions during meetings. The second expression is related to a couple who should work on a sharing partnership, therefore women would not be overwhelmed. Finally, the third expression means that women must focus on work; specifically, women do not have to be worried about being shifted at work when she got pregnant.
    3. I do not agree with this statement. People who will run companies should not be chosen by their gender, but by their skills.

  13. 1. Yes, it is the same as China's situation. Most leaders of companies and organizations are men, few of them are women.
    2. "Sit at the table" means women should believe confidently they have ability to get greater achievement and promotion.In fact, they are as capable as men. "Make your partner a real partner ." means a couple should share responsibility on the family and children, which is not only for women, women don't need to all the things. "Don't leave before you leave." means women don't need to think about something which didn't happened], they should focus on their work.
    3. I don't really agree with this statement. I think gender isn't the only cause of the situation she mentioned above, personal capacity is more important.

  14. 1 - The statistics are surely the same in Brazil. I've read some researches as well as talking with my father about this, since he is involved on the industry field. He says and I could notice that, besides woman being reaching higher and more respectful positions, they are still suffering, mainly in this field, with a lack of recognizing and lower wages.

    3 - I don't agree at all with the statement. She just came up with an idea that she was minutes ago fighting against. The world is gonna be better if honest, kind and smart people rule them, independent of gender ; or the world would be better with 50% of dishonest women ruling it ?!

    4 - I agree in parts with the author of the comment. Is it a stereotype speech, mainly the last part. Although, she discuss a lot of real problems the women face nowadays, and give her opinion about how women should act to change it, which is not just ''stereotypical baloney''.

  15. 1. Yes, it's also true in my country, CHINA. Almost all the leaders are men and in my memory there were just one leader which was a women. Her name is WUZETIAN.
    2." Sit at the table " probably means women should also fight for the position, they also have the opportunities. "Make your partner a real partner" means men and women should be equal in giving same responsibility if they both have full time job. " Don't leave before you leave." means don't have to think about what is going to happen, just focus on what is going on now.
    3. I disagree with the statement because gender can't be the main problem and I think both men and women can handle the same position. We human-beings are equal.
    4. I disagree, the video above gave its suggestion which can help women to be successful.
