Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Blog Post #3 : Assignment due Tuesday, December 10

Dear Students,

Listen to the following 5 segments of JenniferESL's American Slang lessons, and then answer 3 out of  the 4 questions that follow. This assignment is due on Tuesday, December 10.

1. What are the 3 components of slang, according to Jennifer in Lesson 1?
2. Name 3 slang expressions in Lessons 1-5 that you have heard before now, and 3 that you have never heard. Which ones do you think you can use in the future?
3. What is the difference between "..say..." in Lesson 3 and "...see?.." in Lesson 4?
4. Give a short summary of what happens in Lesson 5 "An Old Classmate."

I hope you will enjoy listening to these lessons!



  1. 1.expressions, pronunciation,grammar.
    2.I heard hold on a sec., give someone a hand and see.
    I never heard :grab a bite to eat, no rush and be up for( something)
    I will use take in.
    3. say mean is give a suggest, see mean is do you understand.
    4.woman phone with her friend told her, she was flipping though channels and saw their old classmate chris, they both think chris is funny.

    1. Lincoln, I like your summary of lesson 5!

  2. 1) Use of expressions; some changes in pronunciation, for example, gonna instead of going to; and some changes in grammar like no use of auxiliary verbs in questions.
    2) Slang expression that I have heard before now: No way, gonna, give (someone) a hand
    Slang expression that I have never heard: crack (someone) up, (be) a riot, hey there
    3) Say in Lesson 3 : used to make a specific suggestion
    See in lesson 4: used to make sure that someone understand something.

  3. 1) 3 Components of slangs are Expressions, Pronunciation and change in Grammar.
    2) Slangs expressions I have heard are: "Hold on a sec, Coming, Yep.
    Slangs I have never heard: "Grab a bite to eat, Be up for something, goof up.
    3) Say = Make a Suggestion & See= To know if someone understand what are you trying to explain.

  4. 1) The 3 components of slang are expressions, pronunciation and grammar.
    2) Slang expressions that I have heard before now: "Give (someone) a hand", "Flip through channels", "No way!"
    Slang expressions that I have never heard: "Grab a bit to eat", "Goof up", "Crack (someone) up"
    3) "Say" in lesson 3 is used to make suggestions and "see" in lesson 4 is used to ask if someone understand what you explained.

  5. 1) The 3 components of slang are: Expressions, Pronunciation and Grammar.
    2) Slang expressions that I have heard before now: No rush; Bye!; Give (someone) hand.
    Slang expressions that I have never heard: Grab a bit to eat; take in (something); Goof up.
    3) Say? = used to make a suggestion for someone e.g. Say six o'clock?
    See? = used to know if someone understand what you want to say.

  6. 1) 3 components are: Expressions, pronunciation and grammar.

    2) 3 slang expressions that I have heard before now: Grab a bite to eat – Hold on a sec – Be up for (something).
    3 slang expressions that I have never heard: Take in (something) - Goof up – (be) a riot.
    I might use (Take in)

    3) Say…? in Lesson 3 is used to make a specific suggestion.
    See? In Lesson 4 means do you understand?

  7. 1) The three components presented are: Expressions, changes in pronunciation and grammar.

    2) Three expressions that I heard before: Hey there - Hold on a sec - Gimme (someone) a hand.
    Three expressions that I did not know, but I can use from now on: Grab a bite to eat - Be up for - Goof up.

    3) Say in Lesson 3 is used when someone wants to give a specific suggestion, for instance, a time of an event.
    See in Lesson 4 has the same meaning of: Do you understand?

  8. 1. Expressions, pronunciation, and grammar.
    2. How ya doin'?, kinda, and see? -> Slang that I have already heard.
    be up for (something), goof up, and take in (something) -> Slang that I have never heard. "Goof up" and "be up for" are the two slang that I will probably use.
    3. Lesson 3: used to make a specific sugestion. Lesson 4: used to express understanding.

    1. Hi, Luiz. Nowadays "goof" is probably more common than "goof up." I will explain that more in class.

      Thanks for this,

  9. 1.3 components of slang are expression, pronunciation and grammar.
    2. 3 slang expressions that you have heard before now : hold on a sec, give someone a hand, No way.
    3 slang expressions that I have never heard: goof up, be up for, flip through channels.
    3. Say in lesson 3 is used to give a specific suggestion. See in lesson 4 means do you understand.


    1) The three components are: Expressions, pronunciation and grammar

    2) I heard before: Hold on a sec - kinda - Be up for
    I never heard before: Goof up - Grab a bite to eat - I might use

    3) Lesson 3: for mand a sugestion
    Lesson 4: for express understanding

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. 1) The three components are: expressions, pronunciation, and grammar.

    2) Slang that I know:
    - Hey there! - No way! - You know what?

    Slang that I didn't know but I pretend to start to use:
    - Hold on a sec! - Be up for (something) - (be) a riot

    3) "Say..." - it means that the person will give a suggestion.
    "... see?" - the person wants to know if the information was understood.

  13. 1) Expressions, pronunciation and grammar.

    2) I did know : Be up for something, give someone a hand, hold on a sec.
    I didn't know : Be a riot, crack someone up, gook up.

    4) Two friends talking on the phone, one of them say that had seen in the TV their old classmate Cris, who was in an advertisement for his furniture store. Both agreed he was funny.

  14. 1- Expressions, pronanciations and grammar.
    2- We use say to make specefic suggestion, and we use see to say " Do you understand."
    3- Two friends are on phone talking about their old classmate cris that one of them saw in commercial of a furniture store.
